Okay, so here is the first challenge I am issuing to anyone and everyone who reads this post.
Everyone wants change, or at least thats what a majority supposedly voted for. So what has changed as of this far, not much. People are still unhappy, still struggling. But is it possible to look past what the obvious and find something that is hiding beneath it all? I say yes!
I challenge everyone who reads this to put their change to work. However, put it to work for someone else. Run around your house, check your car, shaky shaky those piggy banks and collect all the change you can. (dont forget the dryer!) Now, don't count it. First, think of something or someone that really means something. Maybe a best friend who needs a pick me up, or maybe a charity or non-profit that means something to you, maybe church, maybe you just want to let someone know you care about them. Now, take that change to the bank. Cash it in and use that money for whatever it is that you decided on. Send a card to someone just to say hello. Take your girlfriend to coffee or if you really found a ton, to get mani pedis. Take your kids to the zoo. Write a check to the humane society. (lets not forget that especially in tough times our humane societies suffer greatly) There are limitless possibilities. Maybe it isnt a bunch of money, but guess what, every little bit helps. You can brighten someones day with just a small gesture.
If you dont know what you want to do, this is what I will do with my change.
Saveavet.com is an organization I volunteer for. It is so close to my heart. See, my husband has PTSD. He is a Marine combat Vet. It is something that impacts your everyday life. This group is working to figure out ways to help our returning military through other ways besides medication for the rest of their lives. I will share part of an email I got just last night. The founder and Vice President of the group, along with 2 other men they served with attended treatments at a center that they are looking at for guidance as they build their organization. The following is a portion of the letter:
"The treatments we received were done over 5 days, 8 hours a day, starting with an intense strength training workout with Norm every morning. Treatments received were: Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Far Infrared Sauna, Far Infrared Migun Table, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Asian Bodywork, Cranial Release, Reiki, Self Hypnosis, EFT, PRRT, Counseling, Life Coaching, Trigger Point Massage, Tai Chi, Herbal Medicine, Classes on psychology, and a Q&A with the local VA. We went to Traverse City with a business mindset, go through the treatments so that you can know what you're talking about and can describe it accurately. What happened is something that nobody expected, and something that changed my life forever.
After 4 days of these intense treatments we were getting worn down. Our bodies had never felt better, the Bodywork that they performed fixed pains that we had had since before we could remember. All those muscular and skeletal pains that go with being in the Marine Corps infantry were gone. I didn’t know that it was possible to live without pain! The constant relaxing treatments in such a loving and genuine environment had broken down our walls that normally mask our feelings and emotions. Here we were, 4 big, bad, combat Marines sitting around talking about our feelings and talking about everything that had made us feel good or bad while in the Marine Corps and after. The constant alertness was gone, I no longer leaped everytime someone dropped something, I didn’t feel unsafe or angry, and I was sleeping like a baby for the first time in at least 6 years."
Now, just reading that it is possible for these guys to actually feel "normal and pain free" gives me such hope for all the Marines we personally know who are currently dealing with PTSD. So, that is where my change will be going. I also sell shirts on my Etsy site, and 100% of the proceeds go to them. I am looking to maybe expand and sell more items also, but am not sure what yet.
So, dear readers, thank you for stopping by and please let us know what you plan to do with your change.
With just a tiny bit of effort, we can all make a change. Change is what you make it. Change can be a good thing if guided with a steady and caring hand. So get out there and make some change!!!
Conspire to inspire y'all!